What the Web Has to Offer PLUS Online Cures for Boredom

by | Mar 30, 2012

Just last night, I got a friend request on Facebook from someone who I have not seen or talked to for over two decades. Yes, TWO DECADES! He was a friend (just friends, I promise) who I’ve hung out with, shared really intimate stories and had crazy, fun times with (still, he’s just a friend). I considered him my best friend from way back, and I’m a little ashamed that I forgot to look him up on Facebook or even on Google to see if he’s still alive. 😀

This is one of the many reasons why I  love that we have the internet now and almost everyone is online. Yes, there are disavantages with all these technological advancements we’ve been experiencing, but I know a big majority of us would agree that the good outweighs the bad. Rekindling friendships or relationships with people who you’ve lost communication with for the past years (or decades!) is definitely on top of the positive side of the existence of Facebook or email.

Not only that. With the technology we have now, and how accessible any information is to all of us, you’d be amazed at how much you can learn online. I can compltely attest to this as majority of my knowledge and experience in graphics design, setting up websites or blogs, and troubleshooting computers were all results of my intensive online reading and self-teaching over the web.


Even if you’re just bored and you can’t get out of the house for reasons like the bad weather, sickness, or, admit it, laziness, you can find a lot of things you can do online.

What do I do during free time, when I have a few minutes to spare to take a break from all my work and other important tasks? I’ve got a ton of options like going to my favorite online bingo site. The game is a no-brainer. All you need is pure luck. It’s one of those hassle-free games since all you have to do is see if you’d be lucky enough to complete the winning bingo combination. I know people who have won a remarkable sum of money from playing online bingo.

There are also Facebook games that can keep you busy. I used to play them a lot before, but now, I go for mystery PC, MMORPG and first-shooter games. Trust me, they can keep your head off whatever’s stressing you out.

If you have the bandwidth, you can even download your favorite TV series, especially when you don’t have cable TV. My recommendations are Modern Family, How I Met Your Mother, American Idol, and Top Chef, depending on what you like.

There are too many things the web has given me over the years. I’m thankful. Really thankful because, without it, I might still be stuck in a rut, working a 9-5 job, bored in front of a computer, with nothing else to do, but documents and forms. Argh. 😀

How about you? How much do you make use of the internet? Share! 🙂


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