Facebook is All For Gay Marriage (plus, more updates)

by | Jul 3, 2012

After Anderson Cooper coming out and finally admitting he is gay (which I already know, by the way, being a fan of Kathy Griffin, his very close friend) comes another good news for the LGBT community – Facebook added gay marriage icons to Timeline.

Facebook same-sex marriage icons

Yes, I had to marry myself to get the icon to show up. 😀 Forever alone lang ang peg 😀

Now, gay couples who are married to their partners can proudly proclaim and change their status on their Facebook profiles to Married and they will get the same-sex marriage icons as shown above (for females).

The advocacy towards acceptance of homosexuality is very close to my heart because of all the wonderful people around me who are gay. I cannot be happier about these good news today, and I just hope and pray that this will be two (or more) steps towards giving the gays their rights to marriage.

Apparently, several groups of bigots (excuse the word, but there’s just no better term to describe them) are starting a campaign on Facebook to oppose this change and are even threatening to boycott Facebook and brands/companies who are supporting the LGBT community. Seriously, what are you all afraid of? Leave the gays alone! 😀

But, I hardly doubt they can actually take action. Save your energy and spend it elsewhere that’s more worthwhile than being unkind towards people who just want to be accepted by the law to marry the people they love. SHEESH!

Read more:
Huffington Post: Facebook Adds Gay Marriage Timeline Icons for Same-Sex Couples
Facebook Adds New Timeline Icons for Married Same-Sex Couples

P.S. I wonder if gay couples will be joining in the bandwagon of people who change their Facebook relationship status like there’s no tomorrow.


Aside from this recent change on Facebook, I wanted to update you about the term they’re using to refer to the notification on top of your Facebook page. They call it “Voice” and you should already have this. This makes it easier for Facebook page admins to switch to personal to their page profiles.

A notification bar on Facebook pages

Also, watch out for the Voice menu that should show up in between your name and Home button on the upper right of your Facebook screen. Note that this menu only shows up when you’re on your Facebook page. If you’re viewing some other page on Facebook, it’ll not be there. It’s connected to the Voice bar. (I wonder why they had to complicate it and call it “Voice”).

Voice Menu

Lastly, you might have noticed this already, but Facebook is now notifying you if someone shared your post (photo, status, or video). I actually like this feature ’cause I want to see how many people are enjoying what I post as much as I did before I shared it. 🙂

Facebook notifies you when someone shares your content

I hope they can implement this on Facebook pages too. Or that’ll be too chaotic? What do you think?


  1. itin

    I find the same sex icon cute. I was never aware of it cuz I don’t tinker with my status. I hope Mark would be very specific about gender assignments and relationship statuses. I’m interested who are truly the trannies and straights among all my facebook friends cuz some are good at hiding. I think it’s a good thing the whole world now has come to its senses that sexual identities should not limit to two.

    • blankPixels

      To be quite honest, I don’t believe there’s a need to be specific about labels. If someone chooses not to reveal they’re gay, I think they have all the right to keep it to themselves. 🙂

  2. S. Surashu

    While not being gay myself, I support same-sex marriage for the sole purpose of equality. I’m glad this step has been taken by Facebook. Although a social status is, as it is, merely a social status, it still shows how the company is open minded against these sorts of things. If you don’t want to interact with gay people then don’t mingle with them but don’t dictate what they can or cannot do just based on their sexual preferences. 🙂


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