Social Media : Are You In?

by | Jul 11, 2012

For over 3 years, I have been reading, studying, practicing and observing how social media works for businesses and brands (yes, even your own blog and niche can be your brand). Social media presence is no longer a luxury or a want for any company, big or small. It is now considered a MUST for business owners to be online and provide a way for their customers and prospects to connect with them directly. Yes, social media presence has become a necessity.

Social Media

Research has shown that almost everyone is on Facebook now. Heck, even kids at my internet cafe, some are as young as 8 years old, have their own Facebook accounts. Not that would matter for businesses, but it just shows that social media and the internet has paved a way for companies or brands to reach a far wider audience than ever before. The question is how can you engage them and keep them interested in you and what you have to say or offer.

No matter what you’re selling, may it be old books, wholesale restaurant supplies, shoes, accessories, cosmetics or a service, managing your own social media accounts can help boost your sales through word-of-mouth and viral sharing. If you still don’t believe in social media (social networking sites, video and image sharing sites, blogs, etc), you’d be way over your head. I believe the impact of anyone’s social media presence will be of great importance from here on out.

If in case you need help in managing your social media presence, let me know. Feel free to ask questions at the comments section or contact me.


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