Printers Are Forever

by | Mar 9, 2013

Today, when smartphones and other mobile devices seem to have rule over the world, you would think that people have lost interest in printing anything on paper. Some would say it’s more convenient to save everything on your mobile devices. But, the truth is, I don’t think I’ll ever let go of my printers because they’ll continue to serve their purpose for the years to come.


Keeping Memories Alive

You might already know that I have a computer shop business. In my experience, even when people have photos digitally saved on their phones or computers, they still come to us to have the images printed – in multiple copies! A printer capable of producing photos of magnificent quality is truly a must-have.

Photo album

And I believe we share the same sentiment about keeping actual photographs that we can store in an old school photo album. Nothing beats the nostalgic feeling of flipping through a photo album, filled with your own personal captions, written in your own script. It makes storing those photos more worthwhile, if you ask me. This is why I have printed photos of some of the best events and moments of my life, and the places I’ve been.


Reading on Paper

Though I enjoy reading on my smartphone or PC, I remember never having the same intimate feeling of reading a printed love letter. I also use it to print tickets and itineraries when I travel ’cause I feel better knowing I have a copy of them printed on paper.



Funny you might think, but I feel more secure knowing that my important notes, photos and documents are printed. It’s like no matter what happens to my computer – it may crash (knocks on wood) or my files may get corrupted – I have a safe copy of documents and files that are important to me.

Those are just three reasons why I think printers are still important to us. And with the technological advances to-date, printers like Konika Minolta have outstanding capabilities that’ll provide you with the speed and productivity you require, may it be for personal use or in the office.

If you find that one perfect printer, you’ll know what I mean. I’ve got two. 😉

1 Comment

  1. Bruce Paddle

    Good article. Konika Minolta, eh? I’ll have to have a look into that one. Is that what you use for the photo images?


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