UPDATE: Facebook Changed Your Default Email Address

by | Jun 26, 2012

I know most of my Facebook friends are not aware of this yet – Facebook changed the default email on our Facebook accounts. There was no notification of this change, so if you have a different email showing up on your About page for people to contact you, it’s now changed to your @Facebook.com email.

Default email is now your Facebook email

No one seemed to be interested (at least among the people I know) in using their Facebook email address, so I’m not quite sure what they’ll be doing to make us want to use it. I’m pretty sure they’re working on something to keep us on Facebook. We can all just speculate for now ’til there’s an official statement.

If you want to change your email address back to your original email, just click on the Edit button on the Contact Info section on your About page. Then, click on the new button with the circle and click on “Hidden from Timeline“.

Change default email on Facebook

Now, obviously, if you’re not using Facebook Timeline yet, this won’t be there, as reported by someone on my list. You can also add multiple email addresses there if you want. I happen to not like anyone seeing my email address on Facebook. If they want to get my email address, they’d have to put some effort into it (see my contact page).

Just a few minutes ago, Facebook messaging was also down. So, I’m expecting to see changes within the next 48 hours.

What do you think will happen? Share your speculations at the comments section! 🙂


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