New Pinterest Categories and My Features Wish List

by | Jul 30, 2012

One of the fastest growing social media sites to-date is Pinterest. We are all born visual, meaning images can grab our attention quickly and easily, which is why Pinterest is considered to be one of the most addictive sites there is, after Facebook and Twitter. I usually spend thirty minutes to one hour per day to check out what’s new that I can pin, and I love the quotes people create and share on Pinterest. So, I was ecstatic to learn that they have added new Pinterest categories!

New Pinterest categories for Quotes, Tattoos and Weddings

They have finally created Pinterest categories for Quotes, Tattoos and Weddings! I’m sure a lot of Pinterest active users will be happy about this too. 😉

What’s good about this is you can improve how you categorize your pins and boards, making it easier for others to see what you’re sharing. I post all my favorite quotes or my own ones under My Thoughts EXACTLY, so I can now categorize it under Quotes instead of My Life.

My Pinterest board 'My Thoughts EXACTLY'


If you also enjoy sharing or reading inspirational or funny quotes, then, it’ll be easier to find them for your posts elsewhere. 😉

Pinterest new category for Quotes


If you’re on Pinterest, follow me? 😉

Follow Me on Pinterest


I also see artists sharing their own tattoo designs on Pinterest. Now, they have their own category! If you’ve been inked, this is also where you can show off! 😉

Pinterest new category for Tattoos


And for those who are planning a wedding for a friend or for themselves, Pinterest makes it easy for you to find ideas, inspirations and tips with the Wedding category.

New Weddings category on Pinterest


Oh, did you know that Pinterest has a category for Geeks?

Geek category on Pinterest


They also modified the categories “Pets” to “Animals“, which I find most appropriate. There are photos of animals that are worth sharing and they’re not necessarily considered pets, just like that cute Otter at the lower part of my screenshot below. 😉

Pinterest category for Animals


My time browsing on Pinterest is spent on browsing for cute photos of pets, fashion for women,  ideas for my bedroom, kitchen setups, nail art and shoes! Well, that’s just 40% of my time because the rest of the time, I’m looking at food porn and I pin them for our food blog. 😀

Certified Foodies Pinterest page



My Pinterest Features Wish List

Since I’m one of the active Pinterest users, I have my own wish list of features I hope they’d add in the upcoming updates. For sure, this will increase how organized we can be with our boards (for the OC people like myself):

  • Option to rearrange boards while viewing them in a list form OR the ability to rearrange the boards in alphabetical order. This will extremely be helpful for those of us who have a lot of boards and want to organize or move them quickly on my main Pinterest page. Having to drag the boards from the bottom of my browser up 10 rows of boards can be a little hard, especially when I’m using my laptop and my trackball mouse.
  • Ability to move pinned items or everything in a board to another board. I have recently decided to add a completely new board for some pinned items because I felt like I’ve grown my interest in them. So, I need to quickly move some of the old ones I pinned and categorized differently from other boards to the newly created board. It’s been tedious, so I end up with duplicates.
  • No duplicates on main page. I see people I follow repinning the same thing. I hope they can add a feature where we won’t see the same item over and over again. I especially hate the repetitiveness when I’m doing a search.

So far, those 3 are the only ones I’m hoping they can implement the soonest time possible. How about you? Do you Pinterest? 😉



  1. Catherine Vargas Hizon

    omg!! i’m drooling over here.. it’s so yummy, i wanna die!! (mala-indespicable me)

    • blankPixels

      Cathyyyyyy!! Hahaha glad to see you here 🙂


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