Windows Live Writer : Why You Should Switch

by | Nov 21, 2011

Blogger's post editor - too limited

I started my personal blog Just Another Pixel in 2008. Back then, I was only using Blogger’s post editor. Though I’ve gotten used to the whole interface, it was just too limited and small for me to compose my blog posts in. Thank goodness I found a better solution – Windows Live Writer (WLW). I never looked back.

Windows Live Writer

If you haven’t heard of Windows Live Writer yet, it is an offline / desktop blog post editor developed by Microsoft Corp.. It’s user-friendly and can handle almost everything a blogger can throw at it. If you’re not yet using this, I’m hoping my series of posts about this amazing blog post editor will convince you. 🙂



Windows Live Writer can be used to compose and edit blog posts for Windows Live Spaces, SharePoint, Blogger, WordPress, Typepad, LiveJournal, Telligent Community,, JournalHome, the MetaWeblog API, the Movable Type API, Blogengine, Squarespace and those that support RSD (Really Simple Discoverability)*.

I use it for all my WordPress and Blogger blogs. And, to be quite honest, Windows Live Writer has made me want to blog more because of all its features that makes it quick and easy to compose a post and publish it to your blog/s.

Here are the key features of Windows Live Writer:

Blog Theme Integration

When you add your blog account, it will import the theme you’re currently using. This makes it look like you’re writing your post live directly on your blog so you’d already have a preview of pretty much how it’ll look like when published. Here’s a screenshot of a blog post I was writing for Certified Foodies.

A sample blog post composed in Windows Live Writer

Though the header is not positioned properly, you can see that the colors of our post background, the font, and almost all the elements of our blog theme are already there.




Switch Blogs With One Click

You can add as many blogs as you want. And switching back and forth is made easy – with one click of the mouse. You’d see the current blog you’re writing for on the upper right. Click on it and it will give you the list of your blogs.

Switch blogs easily



Insert and Edit Images for your Blog Posts

With Windows Live Writer, it’s easier to insert images into your blog posts. You can even drag and drop if you’re hosting them on your own server (I use Flickr so most of the options are not available – read on for more details). The program will take care of the uploading for you.

Apply borders to your photos, adjust the margin or how it's aligned directly

Above is a screenshot of a photo I inserted into a new blog post. As you can see on the right, there are also numerous options available to you to adjust how your photos look on your post. You can add a drop shadow, apply a polaroid or photo paper frame, or even make the corners rounded.

Under the Advanced tab, you can adjust the image size, rotate the image…

Rotate your photo

…adjust the brightness and contrast…

Adjust brightness and contrast of your images


…and crop your photo right there. No need for an external image editor.

Crop your photos directly in Windows Live Writer


You can even tilt your photos! How cool is that?! 🙂

Tilt your photos


Another noteworthy feature is you can add watermarks to your images:

Put watermarks on your images

On the Effects tab, you’d see other adjustment options like Sepia, Color Pop, Sharpen and Gaussian Blur. You can add or remove numerous filters to get the effect you want.

Add filters to your images to edit them

Now, if you want to keep all these settings for next time so you won’t have to do it repeatedly, adjust all the settings you need and then click on the “Save settings as default”.

Save settings as default to avoid repeated adjustments

Note that doing this will affect ALL images you insert into your post that are hosted locally on your blog’s server.

Important Note: If you’re inserting images from third party image hosts, the above image adjustment options will NOT be available to you.




Edit Publish Date, Categories, Tags, Slug, etc.

If you’re using Blogger as your platform, you only have options to add and edit categories and adjust the publish date. But, for WordPress users, we’ve got more settings we can adjust right in Windows Live Writer.

Add categories and tags easily for WordPress blogs


You can edit the slug or permalink address of your blog post on WordPress. You can even turn off comments, pings or even set a password.

Other settings for WordPress users can be adjusted directly in Windows Live Writer


You can also change the author or who wrote the article / post directly in WLW.

Change the author name



Preview your Blog Post Before It’s Published

This is extremely useful for Blogger users. You can see a preview of how your post would look with all your current theme settings.

Preview tab on Windows Live Writer

Take note, though, that the layout of your blog may not appear as it should be because of the limited or narrow space of the Windows Live Writer window.


Plugins Galore!

There are a wide variety of WLW plugins available that you can use. I particularly use the following:

  • Flickr4Writer – For inserting photos from Flickr. I use this along with Flickr Uploader.
  • Paste Code – For inserting codes without having to switch to Source view.

You can find more plugins at these websites:




Edit and Save Your Post Drafts Locally

Windows Live Writer gives you options on how you want to save your posts:

Save your drafts locally or to your server or blog

You can save your drafts locally, to your computer’s hard drive. Or you can opt to post / upload the draft to your blog and retrieve it anytime you need to finish or work on it.

Once you’re happy with your blog post, click the Publish button and wait for WLW to finish uploading everything. 🙂

Publishing your post to your blog




Various Writing / Editing Tools

Of course, there are the usual character formatting and alignment options.

Spell checker, word count and various editing tools are also available

But, you also have spell checker and word count tools available for you in Windows Live Writer. Very useful for those who need to write within a target amount of words. 🙂


MY FAVORITE: Auto-Linking!

Windows Live Writer makes it easier for us to link to the usual sites, blogs or internal blog posts that we link to. You can save your links so next time you use your chosen keywords, they’ll automatically be changed to links.

Auto-Linking makes internal linking easier

How to use this? Just highlight the keywords, press CTRL+K or right-click and choose Hyperlink…. A popup window (pictured above) will be displayed. Enter all the necessary information and check “Automatically link to this text”. WLW will even save the setting if you changed the link to noFollow (under Rel:).

IMPORTANT NOTE: Auto-linking only works ONCE within your post. BUT, if you select the same keywords and try to enter a link for it, WLW will automatically provide all the details. Anyway, you don’t need to link to the same site using the same keywords in one article. That’s another SEO tip. 🙂

Internal linking is one of the most important Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques we can all practice. The auto-linking feature of WLW makes me perform this SEO habit more efficiently while I multi-task to accomplish all my other tasks online and offline (like designing and printing invites and name plates at my shop, etc). 🙂


Without a doubt, for me, Windows Live Writer makes composing my blog posts easier and more fun. If you’re already convinced and you want to try it, here are the download links. Now, head on over to my next post –> How to setup Windows Live Writer!


I hope they’ll continue updating Windows Live Writer, like adding better <div> control. But, nonetheless, I LOVE IT!! 🙂


  1. Ritche

    This is amazing content! You sure took time and effort to real come out with this guide.

    I’ve never used windows live writer but your blog post just sold me the idea. I will try it out asap as soon as I am done downloading it.

    Again…awesome post!

  2. Allen

    Hmm I’ll try this out so that I can still blog while offline and on the go without internet connection. I hope this can increase my frequency in blogging lol 🙂



  1. How to Setup Windows Live Writer | blankPixels - The Geek Side - [...] hope my previous post about Windows Live Writer has convinced you to switch to this offline blog post editor.…
  2. How to Fix Error 501 on Windows Live Writer | blankPixels : The Geek Side - [...] have already blogged about why you should switch to Windows Live Writer for your offline and even online blogging…

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